Primo Maxx - Fairway Trials South Africa 2020

Primo Maxx SA Fairway Trials March 2020
Primo Maxx SA Fairway Trials March 2020

Here are the results of a recent fairway turf trial for Primo Maxx. We ran the trial at The Country Club Johannesburg in Woodmean in 2020.

Here is what the fairways looked like before application.

Fairyway trials for Primo Maxx - Before Application

And below is what they looked like after the application.

Fairyway trials for Primo Maxx - After Application



  • Primo Maxx at 1 L/ha
  • TT foliar feed at 12 kg/ha

Water volume of 300 L/ha and application every 28 days. There were a total of 5 applications made.

Primo Maxx is a plant growth regulator (PGR). The active ingredient in Primo is trinexapac-ethyl which cause a temporary halt to the production of gibberellic acid, a plant growth hormone responsible for the top growth of the turf.

For more information on Primo Maxx - click here.